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Cookie Policy

We use and allow third party service providers to use cookies, web beacons and other similar technologies on our platforms, social media pages and communications. We do this to understand your use of our services, improve your user experience and enable personalized features and content; optimize our advertising and marketing and to enable third party advertising companies to assist us in serving ads specific to your interests across the Internet.

What are cookies?
Cookies are small text files that websites send to your computer, mobile device or other Internet-connected device to uniquely identify your browser or to store information or settings in your browser.

Our cookies and what they do:
The cookies we use can be categorised as follows:

Strictly necessary cookies
These cookies are essential for your use of the website and its features, such as storing your product selections to your shopping bag whilst you continue to shop and/or navigate to different pages of the website and accessing secure areas of the website. We have to use these cookies to make the website work as it should, whether or not you agree to such cookies being used.

Analytical / Performance cookies
These cookies collect information about how you use our website and services, in order to enhance your performance and develop them according to the preferences of our customers and visitors. For example, cookies and web beacons may be used to:

– test different designs and to ensure that we maintain a consistent look and feel across our websites;
– track and provide trend analysis on how you interact with our websites and communications;
– track errors and measure the effectiveness of our promotional campaigns.

The data collected will generally be aggregated to provide trends and usage patterns for business analysis, site/platform improvement and performance metrics. Our cookies or the resulting analysis may be also shared with our business partners. The type of information we collect includes how many visitors visit our websites, how many customers log in, when they visited, for how long and which areas of our websites and services but is generally not used to identify you individually.

 Functionality cookies
These cookies allow the website to remember you in order to provide enhanced customised features (e.g. language preferences). These cookies can also be used to remember changes you have made to the text size, fonts and other parts of the website pages you can customize. The information these cookies collect may be anonymised and they cannot track your browsing activity on other websites.

Social media cookies
These cookies are used when you share information using a social media sharing button or “like” button on the website or engage with us on or through social networking websites such as Facebook, which may link your use of our platforms to targeting/advertising activities. We do not control how these social networks use cookies. Interactions with these features are governed by the privacy policy of the company providing it.

Targeting/advertising cookies
These cookies are used to deliver advertising more relevant to you and your interests both on our websites, websites of our group companies and on our partner websites. We carry out targeted advertising on our existing customer base as well as target other individuals who we think will be interested in our products and services. They are also used to limit the number of times you see an advertisement as well as help measure the effectiveness of the advertising campaigns. They allow us to understand and evaluate clicks on our adverts so that we can improve the service you receive. They are usually placed by advertising networks with our permission. They remember that you have visited a website and this information is shared with other organizations such as advertisers. Advertisers and other third parties (including the ad networks, ad-serving companies, and other service providers they may use) may assume that users who interact with or click on a personalized ad or content are part of the group that the ad or content is directed towards.

Web server logs
In conjunction with obtaining information through cookies, our web servers may log details such as your operating system type, browser type, domain, and other system settings, as well as the language your system uses and the country and time zone in which your device is located. The web server logs also may record information such as the address of the web page that linked you to our site and the IP address of the device you use to connect to the internet. This information helps us to troubleshoot errors, improve performance and maintain the security of our platforms.

These are computer instructions that link web pages to particular web servers and their cookies. We may also use cookies and similar technologies, to allow us to tell if an email we have sent you has been opened and acted upon and whether our mailing tools are working correctly or, to measure performance and to provide content and ads that are more relevant to you.

Can I opt out of cookies and similar technologies?
If you do not want to allow cookies at all, or only want to allow the use of certain cookies, please refer to your browser settings.
However, you may be able to disable web beacons in email messages by not downloading images contained in messages you receive (this feature varies depending on the email software used on your personal computer). However, doing this may not always disable a web beacon or other similar technologies in the email message due to specific email software capabilities. For more information about this, please refer to the information provided by your email software or service provider.


We are committed to protecting the personal data we collect and keeping your personal data secure is very important to us. We take steps to ensure that your personal data is protected against unauthorized or unlawful processing and against accidental loss, damage or destruction or disclosure and we limit access to your personal data to persons who reasonably need access to it, to provide products or services to you.

Any data transmitted from your browser to our platforms via online forms, our store locator or shopping cart is secured.
Our platforms may contain links to and from third party websites. If you follow a link to any of these websites, please note that these websites have their own privacy policies and that we do not accept any responsibility or liability for these policies or how those third parties may use your personal data. Please check these policies before you submit any personal data to these websites.
If you create an account with us, you will be asked to provide an account user name and password as part of our security procedures. You must treat such information as confidential and you must not disclose it to any third party.


We strive to provide you with choices regarding the personal data that you provide to us. The following mechanisms give you control over your personal data:
advertising, marketing and personalization (offline and online): if you wish to be notified about our products and services, events, loyalty and other client programs as well as other promotional activities, you can indicate your communication preferences through the relevant checkbox(es) on our platforms or client cards instore or by answering the question(s) presented by our beauty advisors or store representatives. Some of our activities and communications may be personalized to your specific interests and preferences (which will be done with your permission, if required by law).
If you wish to stop receiving our marketing communications (and/or you wish to opt out of personalized marketing communications), simply let us know at any time by following the opt-out instructions in the relevant communication or using the details below. Please note that this will not stop you from receiving service messages (i.e. non-marketing communications, such as e-mail updates on your order status or notifications about your account activities) from us.
Cookies/Similar Technologies and Interest Based Advertising: you can set your browser to refuse all or some browser cookies or to alert you when cookies are being used or you can use the opt-out tools provided. You also have choices in respect of interest based advertising.


In accordance with applicable law, you may be entitled to ask us for a copy of your personal data, to correct it, erase or restrict its processing, or to ask us to transfer some of this personal data to other organisations. You may also have rights to object to some processing and, where we have asked for your consent to process your personal data, to withdraw this consent. Where we process your personal data because we have a legitimate interest in doing so (as mentioned above), you also have a right to object to this. These rights may be limited in some situations – for example, where we can demonstrate that we have a legal requirement or contractual obligation to process your personal data. In some cases, this may mean that we are able to retain your personal data even if you withdraw your consent. In such a case, we will apply appropriate measures and safeguards to protect your personal data.


If you have any questions about this policy or privacy matters generally or to make a complaint about our compliance with applicable privacy laws, please contact us using the contact us page of our website.
You can also use this contact us if you wish to exercise your preferences and rights as detailed above.
We will acknowledge and investigate any complaint you make. We hope that we can satisfy queries but if you have unresolved concerns you may also have the right to contact the relevant data protection authority in your country of residence or place of the alleged infringement.

Swiss Medunion GmbH
Am Suteracher 4
CH-8048 Zürich Schweiz